Dr. Takehiko Maruyama
Department of Japanese Language and Linguistics,
School of International Communication,
Senshu University
Address: 3-8, Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8425, Japan
E-mail: maruyama (at) isc.senshu-u.ac.jp
Research Area
- Japanese Corpus Linguistics (Design, compilation and syntactic analyses)
- Utterance units for spontaneous speech
- Disfluencies and speech grammar
Research Projects
- 2020- : Disfluencies in spontaneous speech
- 2016-2022: SSC (Showa Speech Corpus)
- 2010-2015: Syntax and Semantics of Japanese Complex Sentence Constructions [link]
- 2005-2011: BCCWJ (Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese)
- 2002-2006: CSJ (Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese)
- 2000-2004: Development of speech to speech translation system
- 1999-2004: Interface between Phonology and Syntax
Selected Papers / Presentations / Workshops
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``A classification of self-repairs in Japanese monologue: a corpus study'',
The 17th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS),
19. August. Ghent, Belgium.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``The Multiple Clause Linkage Structure of Japanese speech'',
18th International Pragmatics Conference,
10. July. Brussels, Belgium.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
Workshop on Spoken Language: Czech and Japanese.
2023.5.4-5. Univerzita Karlova, Prague, Czech.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
Designs and Analyses of Japanese Speech Corpora,
Corpora e Studi Linguistici, Atti del LIV Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana, 65-74. Officinaventuno. (ISBN 978-88-97657-56-9)
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- MARUYAMA, Takehiko, Wakako KASHINO, Hanae KOISO, and Aiko SASAKI.
Design, construction, and application of Japanese language corpora.
2022.2.23 Univerzita Karlova v Praze, online.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Design and Analyses of Japanese Speech Corpora'',
International Congress of the Italian Linguistic Society "Corpora e Studi Linguistici",
Università degli Studi di Firenze e Accademia della Crusca (Congresso online). September, 7, 2021.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Showa Speech Corpus: Design, Compilation and Analysis'',
16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies,
August 26, 2021.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Diachronic Change of Spoken Japanese in the 20th Century: A Corpus Study''
Seiko Suzuki, Pascal Cordereix, and Gabriel Bergounioux (Ed.),
Mémoire sonore du Japon : le disque, la musique et la langue. 17-32.
Bibliothèque nationale de France. (ISBN 978-2-913454-46-1)
- Maruyama, Takehiko, Yasuharu Den and Hanae Koiso
``Design and annotation of two-level utterance units in Japanese''
Shlomo Izre'el, Heliana Mello, Alessandro Panunzi, and Tommaso Raso (Ed.),
In Search of Basic Units of Spoken Language: A corpus-driven approach. 155-180.
John Benjamins. (ISBN 9789027204974)
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- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Segmentation of the English texts Navy and Hearts with SUU and LUU''
Shlomo Izre'el, Heliana Mello, Alessandro Panunzi, and Tommaso Raso (Ed.),
In Search of Basic Units of Spoken Language: A corpus-driven approach. 359-366.
John Benjamins. (ISBN 9789027204974)
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- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Real Time Utterance Production and Disfluencies''
In (Eds.) Céleste Guillemot, Shinichiro Sano and Seunghun J. Lee ICU Working papers in linguistics Vol10: Festschrift for Prof. Junko Hibiya in the occasion of her retirement from ICU.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``On the Possibility of a Diachronic Speech Corpus of Japanese'',
Andrej Bekeš and Irena Srdanović (Ed.),
Japanese Language from Empirical Perspective: Corpus-based studies and studies on discourse. 219-234.
Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF. (ISBN 978-961-237-886-8 / 978-961-06-0217-0)
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- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Corpora and Japanese Linguistics Workshop''.
2019.11.8-11, Univerzita Karlova, Prague, Czech.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Diachronic change in spoken Japanese in the 20th century''.
Mémoire sonore du Japon : le disque, la musique et la langue,
Bibliothèque nationale de France, January 25, 2019.
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- Maruyama, Takehiko and Hanae Koiso
``Diachronic Change of Spoken Japanese in the 20th Century: a corpora-based Study''.
50 ans de linguistique sur corpus oraux : apports a l'etude de la variation,
Orleans, France, November 15, 2018.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``What's left for diachronic research of Japanese Speech?''.
International Symposium on Diachronic Speech Corpora.
NINJAL, 4th September, 2017.
- Maruyama, Takehiko, Stephen W. Horn, Kerri L. Russell and Bjarke Frellesvig
``On the Multiple Clause Linkage Structure of Japanese: A Corpus-based Study'',
Nobuo Kazashi and Marcella Mariotti (ed.)
New Steps in Japanese Studies: Kobe University Joint Research (Ca' Foscari Japanese Studies 5),
131-154. Edizioni Ca' Foscari.
(ISBN 978-88-6969-153-9, doi: 10.14277/6969-152-2/CFJS-5-7)
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- Tian, Ye, Takehiko Maruyama, and Jonathan Ginzburg
``Self Addressed Questions and Filled Pauses: A Cross-linguistic Investigation'',
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. pp.1-12.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Two-Level Utterance Units: Cognitive and Communicative Aspects of Spontaneous Speech''.
IX LABLITA and IV LEEL International Workshop:
Units of Reference for Spontaneous Speech Analysis and their correlations across languages,
Belo Horizonte, 6th August, 2015.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Segmentation of two English short texts through different theoretical views''.
IX LABLITA and IV LEEL International Workshop:
Units of Reference for Spontaneous Speech Analysis and their correlations across languages,
Belo Horizonte, 3rd August, 2015.
- Maruyama, Takehiko
``A Corpus-based Study of Colloquial Japanese: Retrospect and Prospect''.
The 14th International Conference of EAJS,
Ljubljana, 29th August 2014.
- Maekawa, Kikuo, Makoto Yamazaki, Toshinobu Ogiso, Takehiko Maruyama, Hideki Ogura, Wakako Kashino, Hanae Koiso, Masaya Yamaguchi, Makiro Tanaka, Yasuharu Den
``Balanced corpus of contemporary written Japanese'',
Language Resources and Evaluation,
10.1007/s10579-013-9261-0, Springer.
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- Silber-Varod, Vered and Takehiko Maruyama
``The Linguistic Role of Hesitation Disfluencies: Evidence from Hebrew and Japanese''.
Proceedings of DiSS 2013 The 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech,
67-70, Stockholm, August 2013.
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- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Analysis of Parenthetical Clauses in Spontaneous Japanese''.
Proceedings of DiSS 2013 The 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech,
44-48, Stockholm, August 2013.
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- Maruyama, Takehiko
``Speech segmentation by clausal and non-clausal boundaries in Japanese''.
The Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Science, Abstracts Volume 2: Workshop ``Spoken discourse corpora as a window on cognitive mechanisms of speech production''
, 782-783,
Kaliningrad, June 2012.
- Maruyama, Takehiko, Katsuya Takanashi, and Nao Yoshida
``An Annotation Scheme for Syntactic Unit in Japanese Dialog''.
Proceedings of DiSS-LPSS Joint Workshop 2010. The 5th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, and The 2nd International Symposium on Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech, 51-54,
Tokyo, September 2010.
- Maekawa, Kikuo, Makoto Yamazaki, Takehiko Maruyama, Masaya Yamaguchi, Hideki Ogura, Wakako Kashino, Toshinobu Ogiso, Hanae Koiso, and Yasuharu Den
``Design, Compilation, and Preliminary Analyses of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese'',
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2010), 1483-1486,
Valletta, Malta, May 2010.
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- Den, Yasuharu, Hanae Koiso, Takehiko Maruyama, Kikuo Maekawa, Katsuya Takanashi, Mika Enomoto, and Nao Yoshida
``Two-level annotation of utterance-units in Japanese dialogs: An empirically emerged scheme'',
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2010), 2103-2110,
Valletta, Malta, May 2010.
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- Maruyama, Takehiko, Makoto Yamazaki, and Kikuo Maekawa
``Statistical sampling method used in the Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese'',
Current ISSUES in Unity and Diversity of Languages: Collection of the
papers selected from the CIL 18, 3864-3876. LSK (The Linguistic Society of Korea)
- Maruyama, Takehiko, Makoto Yamazaki, and Kikuo Maekawa
``Statistical sampling method used in the Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese'',
18th International Congress of Linguists, Seoul, July 2008.
- Sano, Motoki and Takehiko Maruyama
``Lexical Density in Japanese Texts: classifying text samples in Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese'',
35th International Systemic Functional Congress, 359-364, Sydney, July 2008.
- Ohno, Tomohiro, Shigeki Matsubara, Hideki Kashioka, Takehiko Maruyama, Hideki Tanaka, and Yasuyoshi Inagaki
``Dependency Parsing of Japanese Monologue Using Clause Boundaries'',
Language Resources and Evaluation , 40(3-4). 263-279. Springer Netherlands.
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- Maruyama, Takehiko and Shin'ichiro Sano
``Classification and Annotation of Self-Repairs in Japanese Spontaneous Monologues'',
LPSS - Linguistic Patterns in Spontaneous Speech, 283-298, Taipei, November 2006.
- Ohno, Tomohiro, Shigeki Matsubara, Hideki Kashioka, Takehiko Maruyama, and Yasuyoshi Inagaki
``Dependency Parsing of Japanese Spoken Monologue Based on Clause Boundaries'',
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational
Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the ACL, 169-176, Sydney, July 2006.
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- Uchimoto, Kiyotaka, Ryoji Hamabe, Takehiko Maruyama, Katsuya Takanashi, Tatsuya Kawahara, and Hitoshi Isahara
``Dependency-structure Annotation to Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese'',
Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 635-638, Genoa, May 2006.
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- Kashioka, Hideki and Takehiko Maruyama
``Segmentation of Semantic Units in Japanese Monologues'',
International Conference on Speech and Language Technology & Oriental-COCOSDA 2004 (ICSLT-O-COCOSDA 2004), 87-92, India.
- Kashioka, Hideki, Takehiko Maruyama and Hideki Tananka
``Building a Parallel Corpus for Monologue with Clause Alignment'',
Proceedings of the Ninth Machine Translation Summit. 216-223.
- Maruyama, Takehiko, Hideki Tanaka, and Hideki Kashioka
``Japanese copula marker works as a filler in spontaneous speech'', Proceeding of ISCA & IEEE Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and Recognition. 195-198. Tokyo.
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- Takanashi, Katsuya, Takehiko Maruyama, Kiyotaka Uchimoto, and Hitoshi Isahara
``Identification of ``Sentence'' in Spontaneous Japanese -- Detection and modification of clause boundaries --'', Proceeding of ISCA & IEEE Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and Recognition. 183-186. Tokyo.
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- Tanaka, Hideki, Stephen Nightingale, Hideki Kashioka, Kenji Matsumoto, Masamichi Nishiwaki, Tadashi Kumano and Takehiko Maruyama
``Speech to Speech translation system for monologues - data driven approach'', The 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-2002) 1717-1720.
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(c) MARUYAMA, Takehiko
Department of Japanese Language and Linguistics,
School of International Communication, Senshu University
maruyama (at) isc.senshu-u.ac.jp